Takigawa’s commitment to a sustainable environment continues this month by highlighting Honeybees. With their packaging technology, Takigawa is consistently working towards total recyclability. With the Russian Honeybees, (referred to as their “babies,”) Joshua Marquis (Takigawa EHS Coordinator) and his wife Valerie (Quality Control Supervisor) are also working towards keeping a clean, sustainable environment. 99 percent of what we humans eat is dependent upon the pollination of fruits and vegetables by our little friends.
Honeybees are fascinating. Did you know that the average worker bee life span is only six weeks, but the Queen that they service can live 3-5 years? Worker bees and queen bees are all females. The drone bees are the only males. They have no stinger and are kicked out of the hive every fall. Their only purpose is to mate with the queen. Interesting fact about bees: Bees can communicate direction and distance to other bees by doing a little dance that shows exactly where the good nectar and pollen can be found. Also, bees of any hive know within 10 minutes if their queen is dead. They will immediately pick a cell with an egg in it and begin feeding it food different than any other cell (the Royal Jelly) which ensures that it will become a new queen for them and not just another worker bee.
Takigawa salutes Honeybees as their April Pet of the Month!